Health and safety is a big concern when considering abortion. Though abortion affects every woman differently, you will experience certain side effects.
If you’re considering abortion, you should safeguard your health and receive evidence-based education about this option. Request a free consultation with a nurse at First Coast Women’s Services.

After an Abortion
The level of pain and discomfort you experience after abortion depends on multiple factors, including preexisting health conditions, the abortion method, and your pain tolerance.
During a medical abortion, which uses two drugs to end an early pregnancy through 10 weeks gestation, you’ll always experience some degree of abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding. Some women also have side effects like headaches, chills, or diarrhea.
Risks during a medical abortion are rare but include:
Digestive system discomfort
Heavy, prolonged bleeding
Incomplete abortion (which may require surgical treatment)
An ongoing pregnancy (if the drugs don’t work)
Surgical abortion uses surgical instruments, medication, or suctioning to end a pregnancy (or a combination of these). You’ll also have cramping and bleeding with this procedure.
Surgical abortion-related risks are rare but can be severe:
Uterine perforation (a hole is poked in the uterus)
Scar tissue on the uterine wall
Damage to the cervix
You must seek emergency medical treatment if something doesn’t feel right or a symptom worsens (i.e., fever, bleeding).
What Should I Do Before Deciding?
First Coast Women’s Services offers free limited ultrasounds to determine your pregnancy’s:
Viability (if a heartbeat can be detected)
How far along you are
Location (if your pregnancy is located in the uterus)
These details are critical to understanding your options and detecting conditions that require medical treatment, including ectopic pregnancy.
You can also talk with a nurse about your options and learn about abortion procedures, parenting, and making an adoption plan. We don’t provide or refer for abortions but do offer the facts about each option.
Learn More Today
Request a free and confidential appointment today for a nurse consultation.
Or call 904-915-HELP to set up a telehealth consultation. Your health and safety are the priority.
At the time of writing, this information is accurate and up-to-date.
Last updated: February 21, 2024