Telling Your Partner You’re Pregnant
After finding out you’re pregnant, one of the first thoughts on your mind might be how best to tell your partner. While it’s typically best to do this in a timely manner, you also want to take the necessary steps to make sure you are calm and prepared for this important conversation. Here are some next steps to consider taking when telling your partner you’re pregnant:
Confirm your pregnancy
Before breaking the news to your partner, you may want to confirm your pregnancy. The best way to do this is with a lab-grade pregnancy test and confirmation ultrasound. First Coast Women’s Services offers both completely free of charge with same and next day appointment options available.
Give yourself space to process
You may find it helpful to give yourself some time to process the pregnancy before telling your partner. Whether it’s a few hours or a few days, it’s important to know how you feel about things before bringing another person’s emotions and opinions into the mix.
Plan when and how to tell your partner you’re pregnant
When planning to tell your partner about your pregnancy, you will want to pick the right time and place. In person and in a space with few distractions is typically best. With that said, if you have any concerns for your safety, be sure to bring along a trusted friend and make sure you are in a public space.
Be honest and direct
There may be a lot of emotions from both you and your partner regarding an unplanned pregnancy, so it’s best to be forthright when you give them the news. Let them know all the facts that you know about your pregnancy so far as well as your thoughts and/or plans about the matter.
Give space for your partner to process
Don’t expect an immediate response from your partner. It may take a few minutes or even a few days to let the news settle in. This is a good time to be patient and steady. Don’t react to your partner’s initial reaction. Instead, give them a chance to process the news so you can both move forward with a level head.
Discuss next steps
After you have both had a chance to process the news, it’s time to discuss next steps. It’s critical at this point in your pregnancy to make sure you are well educated on all your options. First Coast Women’s Services offers options education for both women and men, and we have team members available to help you process through what the best option might be for your pregnancy given your individual circumstances.
If your partner wants to be involved in your pregnancy and beyond, it is a good idea to keep them informed throughout the process. This support is crucial to a successful experience, no matter what option you ultimately choose for your pregnancy.
Find out for sure
No matter what you plan to do with your pregnancy or when you plan to tell your partner, you will need to confirm your pregnancy with a medical-grade pregnancy test and ultrasound. Your ultrasound will determine what options are available to you by dating the pregnancy and ruling out early miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. Don’t wait. If you think you might be pregnant, schedule an ultrasound as soon as possible to ensure you can make the most informed and empowered choice for your pregnancy.
Already know you’re pregnant? First Coast Women’s Services is here to help with assistance for women and their partners. All services are free and confidential.
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