![What is the difference between Plan B and the abortion pill?](https://fcws.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/fcws-know-options.jpg)
What is the difference between Plan B and the abortion pill?
The difference between Plan B and the abortion pill is important to be aware of, especially if you think you might be facing an unplanned pregnancy. Your friends sat First Coast Women’s Services are here to answer your questions related to pregnancy, abortion, birth control, parenting, and more!
Here’s our guide on the notable differences between the abortion pill and Plan B:
What is “Plan B?”
Also known as “the morning-after pill,” Plan B is taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex to prevent a pregnancy from happening. This over-the-counter drug works to prevent unwanted pregnancies in three ways.
The pill’s first line of defense is to prevent the egg from being fertilized. If the egg has already been fertilized, the pill will then stop the egg from being released. Finally, Plan B will alter the lining of the uterus to keep the egg from implanting.
Are there side effects of Plan B?
Plan B might be considered a commonly accepted way of preventing unwanted pregnancies. However, women should consider avoiding use as much as possible, as there are several side effects. These include abdominal pain, bleeding, nausea, headaches, dizziness, tiredness, and breast tenderness.
What is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is a method of ending a pregnancy through chemical medication and is available to women in the first 11 weeks of pregnancy. The abortion pill actually consists of two drugs, Mifepristone, and Misoprostol. The first drug, Mifepristone, is administered by a medical professional and ends the production of progesterone to stop the growth of the pregnancy. The second drug, Misoprostol, is taken at home and forces the pregnancy from the uterus.
The main difference between Plan B and the abortion pill is that Plan B keeps pregnancy from happening, while the abortion pill ends a pregnancy that’s already begun to grow.
Are there side effects of the abortion pill?
Like any other medical decision, it’s essential you inform yourself regarding the potential risks and side effects of the abortion pill before making any decisions.
While women can expect to experience many of the same side effects as those related to Plan B — including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding — the abortion pill is also associated with many more serious risks.
If the abortion pill is not successful (also known as an “incomplete abortion”) women are required to undergo surgery. If undetected or untreated, incomplete abortions can result in infection, hemorrhaging, and in serious cases, death.
The abortion pill is also associated with long-term mental health issues related to trauma, anxiety, and depression.
If you’re considering ending a pregnancy through the abortion pill, it’s important to talk with a trained medical professional to go over your health history, possible risks, and any concerns you may have.
I think I’m pregnant! What should I do?
First, take a deep breath and remember you’re not alone! There are endless resources available to you through the work of pregnancy centers like First Coast Women’s Services!
Schedule Free Testing
Next, we recommend you confirm your pregnancy through a free and confidential lab-quality test. If positive, your nurse practitioner will help you schedule a free ultrasound so you can learn more about your pregnancy and the options available to you.