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How Do I Tell My Parents I Am Pregnant?

First Coast Women's Services

Updated: Oct 31, 2024

SO, you’re pregnant. This time is stressful for you and your partner. You see the positive sign come up on your at-home pregnancy test, and you are struggling to cope with the news. We understand how hard an unplanned pregnancy is, and we are here to help navigate it with you. Maybe questions like “How did this happen to me?” or “What are my parents going to think of me?” have been on your mind. No matter what happens, you are not alone. Here is the best way to tell your parents that you’re pregnant.

Confirm Your Pregnancy

Even if you took multiple at-home pregnancy tests, there is still a slight chance of inaccuracy. Though this is rare, confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test to be sure. An inaccurate pregnancy test is often due to instructions not being followed correctly. 

Receive a free and confidential pregnancy test at First Coast Women’s Services today. Our tests are laboratory-rated, which means they are more sensitive than over-the-counter home pregnancy tests. Our team is here to help you move forward with clarity.

Let Yourself Process

Take a deep breath; you will get through this. This is just a moment in time that seems unbearable, but know it won’t feel like this forever. 

It’s important to let yourself feel all the emotions coming at you, one by one. Confide in someone you trust if you need to. Give yourself grace to process however you need to and let the news sink in. Fear, anger, sadness, and excitement are all emotions you could be feeling. It’s vital to let these settle before telling anyone or doing anything so you can move forward in peace.

Be Conscious of Good Timing

You probably know your parent’s personalities better than anyone. Use this to your advantage when sharing the news of your unplanned pregnancy. Choose a time when your parent (s) are in a good mood, not right after work when they’re tired and hungry. Instead, get a feel for what the best time is, maybe the weekend or some time that feels right at the moment. Try not to rush it, but get a sense of when your parents would be most open to receiving the news.

Telling Your Parents

Give your parents time to process the news after telling them. Emotions are high, and it’s important to give them some space. Since they’re not expecting this news, their first response could be emotional and perhaps angry. Stay calm and answer any questions they ask you. As they come to terms with this news, they can hopefully support you through your journey.

Our team at First Coast Women’s Services is here to help you with each step of your pregnancy journey. You are not alone. 

Schedule an Appointment

Schedule a free appointment to talk with us today and learn about all your pregnancy options.

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