A planned or unplanned pregnancy can be a difficult situation. At First Coast Women’s Services, we want to support the client in every situation. We have counselors and resources available for everyone involved. We also have medical professionals available to provide support including limited ultrasounds to those clients that qualify. Pregnancy options counseling is the primary ministry focus of First Coast Women’s Services. We want clients to have the time and resources available to sort out their feelings and think through their options. In the safety of the counseling session a woman is able to share her fears and concerns regarding her pregnancy.
Clients who visit the center are given free, confidential information about:
- Abortion risks and procedures
- Fetal development
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Abstinence
- Adoption counseling and referrals
- Parenting education opportunities
First Coast Women’s Services does not recommend, perform or refer for abortions.
Free Services
First Coast Women’s Services offers FAST, FREE and CONFIDENTIAL services to clients who need help with an unplanned pregnancy.
Abstinence Awareness
What happens when our client receives a negative pregnancy test?
Clients who have a negative pregnancy test are counseled on the consequences of risky sexual behaviors and STD’s. Abstinence is presented to our clients as a positive alternative lifestyle. The goal of abstinence education is to communicate their value and worth as individuals and to provide the tools they need to make healthy choices.